Sep 062011

Alexander had his first day of big school today.

He was quite excited this morning heading off in the pouring rain, he wanted to see his new teacher but, more importantly, he seemed to be very excited about having lunch in school.

His day seems to have gone well, he had a good time with old and new friends but I haven’t found out from him how lunch was yet (although he didn’t seem to be starving so it couldn’t have been that bad).



There he is looking like a smart grown up boy … doesn’t time fly?

 Posted by at 7:39 pm
Jul 302011

Thought we would try a weekend of camping. First time for Alexander so anything could happen.

Slow journey down to Swanage but the sun came out as we arrived and after putting the tent up we hit the beach.

Alexander had a great time finding crabs and shrimps.


After that we met up with the Wills’ and Alison got straight into the wine.


Then it was back into town to queue for fish and chips.


Then off to the fun fair for some rides as the fireworks display started.


 Posted by at 10:04 pm
May 152011

This morning we were up early, I might say bright, but we weren’t particularly after having a bit of a late night when we went back to Hollywood Studios to watch Mickey Mouse in Fantasmic. Alexander and I enjoyed it, Alan wasn’t as keen…and so this morning we went to have breakfast with Donald Duck and pals!

Alexander was very excited and was greeted at the door by Donald Duck, once inside it was a bit chaotic and very loud for poor Alexander, something we’ve really struggled with throughout this whole trip, but have had no real control over. We helped ourselves to breakfast and waited for the characters to come and say hello, Alexander loved it!

After breakfast we went on a few more rides at Animal Kingdom, and then went to watch a bird of prey show. Alexander, as he has done all this trip, was interacting with the people sitting around him. He really liked the collectable pins a young American boy had on behind us. Without any hesitation the boy, (called Cody who was about 15 years of age) told Alexander to pick one to keep! We of course argued no, as it was clear he was a collector, but he was adamant, he wanted Alexander to have one. So Alexander chose Pludog, or Pluto as he is more commonly known as. Alexander was extremely proud of his pin and the family even took a photo of Alexander with Cody.

After we finished at Animal Kingdom we went back to Hollywood Studios to go on a few more rides and watch a car stunt show that Alexander really enjoyed. We were all exhausted today and decided to go back home for a swim, sadly our plans were thwarted by the weather…the only day our plans have gone awry, the heavens opened and it rained solidly for 3 hours…so we chilled, watched a film and studied the rain…looking at the news in the Daily Mail I guess it’s a bit of training for our return home to Blighty!!!!!




Donald Duck Character Breakfast

Chance meeting with a few more characters





Alan and I waiting for Fantasmic to start!




Alexander squeezing in few more characters (especially for Auntie Deb) Handy Manny, The Incredibles and seeing as Mickey Mouse was there and it was raining, why not!!!